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Paging Records in JSP - Java - Database-Related

Paging Records in JSP is a tutorial that guides the users to split the results of the database into a number of pages. This script works well with MySQL.

Image Scroller - Java - Image Effects

Image Scroller is an applet built on Java which can be used to scroll the images smoothly and perfectly. It is easy to use this script on any server.

Analog Clock - Java - Date and Time

Analog Clock displays time of your time zone. This displays an analog clock and even allows you to draw a crude analog clockface.

LED Countdown Timer (icltimer) - Java - Countdowns

LED Countdown Timer (icltimer) is a java applet that implements a countdown or lapsed time of an event specified by you.

Thumbnail Slide Show - Java - Image Effects

Thumbnail Slide Show is a java applet that presents all your images in a thumbnail view. The images in this applet are configurable.

Horizontal Menu Scroll - Java - Component & Controls

Horizontal Menu Scroll implements a menu, which scrolls the menu items horizontally from left to right or right to left. On mouseover the menu item is highlighted in a different color, clicking on it will take you to the linked URL.

Jsp file browser - Java - File Manipulation

You can now remotely manage files on your server. The allows you to perform operations on your server like upload, download (also as zip), copy, move or edit files.

JSP TreeView Control - Java - Site Navigation

JSP TreeView Control is a program which enables the users to generate a simple treeview class with cascading stylesheets and JSP.

Free Scrolling Text Applet - Java - Site Navigation

Free Scrolling Text Applet is a java applet text scroller that can scroll any text and displays it on the web pages. This is a simple and easy to use program.

Flame - Java - Text Effects

Flame can display text messages burning away in fire. You can give your own messages and can change the color of the text effect by double clicking the color button that appears on the right side of the applet on mouseover.

Scrolling Text - Java - Site Navigation

Scrolling Text is a Java applet that creates an animated look and feel to your web pages by allowing you to scroll text. It allows you to configure parameters including: Background Color, Title, Font Size and Style, Text Color, Border Width and Color, Scr

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