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Count Distinct Records For An Access Database And Active Server - ASP Source Code - Database Tools
Programming Language: ASP
Category: Database Tools
Title: Count Distinct Records For An Access Database And Active Server
Author: Lil
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Submit Date: 2007-06-16 13:55:19
Price: Free.
HomePage Address: Click to Visit
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No. of hits: 4456

The author demonstrates the developers about how to make the count distinct by which the total number of clients entered in each class is counted and displayed. The author explains with a friendly sample source code about this concept of counting distinct records.

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Retrieve a Record Identity from an Access Database Autonumber Field on INSERT - Database Tools

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Find an Element In an Array - String & Variables

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Count Distinct Records For An Access Database And Active Server - Database Tools

Count unique records and also filter access database records select count is an online tutorial which explains about displaying a count of the number of clients entered in each class.

Read and write SQL image data, store binary file to sql table - Image Manipulation

This is an ASP tutorial that helps you to read and write the binary data such as images using the ASP objects. This tutorial is easy to learn by all the users

Get the number of days in a month - Date and Time

This is a tutorial which shows the method of getting the number of days in a month. A detailed description is given with an example.

Sort a VBScript array - String & Variables

This ASP online educational system teaches you how to implement a faster sorting system in ASP using arrays in VBScript and JScript with clear explantion.

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