Author Topic: .NET Security in C#  (Read 4486 times)

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.NET Security in C#
« on: September 12, 2010, 01:41:48 PM »
Since my company does a lot of .NET consultancy, one of ourrecent projects required that file i/o access be denied if the user runningthe application did not have administrator privileges. A lot has been written aboutthe command line utility caspol.exe, however, this can seem a little overthe top and quite complex when considering code groups, policy levels andzone management.

I basically wanted to programmatically check whether the user had the relevant permissions by accessing their windows account. Fortunately, .NETprovides this through the System.Security.Principal namespace. I also wantedto deny access to particular drives – this is done through the namespaceSystem.Security.Permissions.

Below is shown a skeleton example, where if the user is not an administratorthe contents of a text file cannot be read and displayed in a list box:
Code: [Select]

//By default deny access to the C Drive…..
CodeAccessPermission UserPermission = new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.AllAccess,@"c:\");

//Check whether the user is part of the administrator group
WindowsPrincipal principal = (WindowsPrincipal)Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
WindowsIdentity identity = (WindowsIdentity)principal.Identity;

bIsAdmin = principal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator);

//Its not, so deny access to the file
//Do the read
din = ReadTheFile.DoTheRead();

//Reset deny permissions in current stack frame

//If we got this far …. we read in the file
String str;

while ((str=din.ReadLine()) != null)
catch (SecurityException exception)
//Failed to pass the security checks – so flag up error to user
listBox1.Items.Add("Permission denied accessing file");