Author Topic: A New Explanation for Barry Setterfield's Work Regarding the DECAYING SPEED of C  (Read 5050 times)

Offline David

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Below is the contents of a recent letter to my niece, re. her daughter, my grand-niece, who hopes to go into engineering, and the text was also copied to my youngest son ...

I suspect that this may be of general interest to all 'Science Types' and also to all 'Bible Student Types' ... and so I have reproduced a copy, as per below:

While researching the other day to try to find a source to confirm what I had said that I had read years ago, re. Einstein's:

E = mc^2 (E equals m times c squared)

... that this formula was (pivotally) inspired by the words he had read from a text in the Holy Bible ...

I again came across much that suggested Einstein, sadly, had greatly plagiarized the work of several others that he was privileged to see ... etc...

I was already aware that his wife was the so very much better mathematician ...
and that he had not been faithful to her ... and that he also seemed to have been used (abused) greatly, in his time of world wars ...
to advance the coming (Satan inspired 666 - see Revelation 13) New World Order / One World Gov. (under the guise of world peace).

But ... I also, happily, came across a profound concept during my web search:

If one rearranges the parameters in the formula to have c, the speed of light, depend on E (energy) and m (rest mass),

then we have this:

c = sqrt( E / m )

where E could represent *all the Energy in the Universe*,

and m ... *all the mass*.

Now, needed also, to understand next, how I just thought to apply the above reformulation of c as a function of E and m  ...
we need to use one very profound outcome of the Bergman (of Common Sense Science) spinning ring model for electrons and protons ...

(and for a good 1st approximation to the Bergman model of electrons and protons, think of an hula-hoop shaped electron and proton, with the charge spread uniformly over the surface of the hollow ring), with the diameter of an electron with the order of magnitude about 10^(-15) meters ...
with the charge (i.e. the current in the torus shaped current loop - i.e a magnet) spinning at the speed of light (c) ...
with each electron having the exact same charge but opposite polarity in nature to that of a proton ...
and think of the proton as being very roughly speaking, having a diameter of only about 1/1000 that of the electron, so thusly, this (positive) charge is so much more 'dense' in space ...

and thus, when it 'is moved', the induced (opposing) fields (forces) are so much very greater (for a proton) than when an electron is attempted to be 'moved' ...
and this is what we call 'inertial mass' ... the property that an object has that resists 'change' to its 'rest' state.

SO ...
we see that 'inertial mass' is really a 'derived quantity' ...
while the charge for each electron (and proton) is the primary and constant property.

Also ... years ago, I came across a research paper, published by Barry Setterfield, and from Stanford U., in which he indicated that c, the speed of light, was not a constant, but had significantly steadily decayed over the time frame of about 100 years of its measurements ...
and so Barry further proposed that c, the speed of light had decayed so very rapidly after creation, so that it had reached to the present nearly 'asymptotically flat value, i.e. nearly constant present measured values'. 

Now ... we are also told that God 'stretched out the heavens ...
as a curtain' (Psalm 104:2, Isaiah 40:22, 42:5, 44:24, 45:12, 51:13, Jeremiah 10:12, 51:15, Zechariah 12:1) ... at the creation ...
and one day, it will be 'rolled up again, as a scroll', (Isaiah 34:4, Revelation 6:14) ...
and that finally, there will be a (re)newed heaven and earth wherein is righteousness ...
and that God shall wipe away all tears and there shall be NO more death, etc... (see Revelation 21).

So ... if all the charge in the universe is occupying a shrinking space ...
its charge density is increasing ...
and thusly, the 'secondary derived property of what we call 'inertial mass' is ALSO increasing' !!!

Thusly, in the formula,
c = sqrt( E / m )

if E is the (constant) total Energy in the Universe,

and m represents the (now ever more slowly) *increasing* 'total inertial mass in the universe' ...

we can see, very simply and clearly, a formula to validate Barry Setterfield's analysis of all the measured speeds of c ...
and to confirm his conclusion ...
that in the last hundred years or so, the speed of light has been decreasing asymptotically to its present nearly constant value.

You Stephanie, are the first to see this ...
you and your Melissa ...
and our delightful time to celebrate Melissa's 16 Birthday ...
and our conversation about her desire to pursue a career in Engineering Science, over our lunch together a few days ago ...
this was the impetus. 

Please show to Melissa, and I will copy Matt.

Much love,
Your uncle David

Also, Melissa might want to know that the main stream idea the c is the upper-speed limit to everything is NOT true.
For example, physicist Tom Van Flanders knows that the effect of gravity is felt at  ...
at least 8 orders of magnitude faster than c
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 12:18:22 AM by David »